Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
A little bit of Druid magic in Big Data world
IT world is changing rapidly, especially around Big Data. We have started simply, by providing services to our customers. Later we understood the need of analytic platforms, based on which, business decisions are made. Hadoop stack became a first viable solution and it was good enough for the time being. However, throughout recent years requirements have greatly increased. Now we need data driven systems, which are reacting to changing world in a real time manner. The rise of IoT systems became a real challenge even to state of the art Big Data stacks. Our production systems generate dozens of thousands of events per seconds. The important question is: how to analyse this huge data stream in an interactive manner? - with a little bit of Druid magic. This talk is a technical dive into Apache Druid - data warehouse which revolutionized the way users explore huge datasets.
First part of my presentation will cover technical aspects of Apache Druid. Later I want to share my 3 years of experience in creating analytic platforms. At the end I am going to show Apache Druid in action by presenting a live demo.
The talk will cover:
- Highly distributed and scalable architecture
- Data modeling
- Druid as a heart of modern data analytics platform
- Casting spells: make Big Data small again!
- Live demo
Scheduled on Friday from 11:40 to 12:30 in Room 2

Michał Misiewicz
DatumoMichał Misiewicz - chief technology officer at Datumo. Designer of analytic platforms based on Apache Druid. Open source projects contributor - Apache Druid, Apache Airflow and Apache NiFi. In free time he is a runner.
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Venue address
ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877