Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
No framework frontends in practice - use the platform!
The capabilities of modern JavaScript make developing without framework more and more tempting. JS prophets show us WebComponents and ES6 modules and tell us that wide adoption is coming soon. The reality is that we still have a way to go and build tools give us plenty of additional benefits. How to use new and shiny JavaScript and don’t leave out users of older browsers? How not to lose linting and test tools brought by node.js ecosystem?
Scheduled on Thursday from 11:40 to 12:30 in Room 4
Software engineer and product owner. Currently focused at fighting cancer and other diseases at AI and bioinformatics company called Ardigen based in Krakow. His primary tools in everyday work are Python and JavaScript, running in cloud environments. Outside of his day job, he contributes to eye retinal implants in the project developed by AGH and Stanford. Interested in space exploration, filmmaking and literature.
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Venue address
ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877