Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
Within her position of Kubernetes Product Manager at Scaleway, Emmanuelle manages Scaleway’s Kubernetes Kapsule product and its evolution. Today, she shows a specific interest in Cloud security, particularly via Kubernetes, and wishes to help build more secured and easy-to-manage production environments for Cloud customers. Her technical background in various businesses highly made her aware of security matters, either when she was participating in the development of an Adware (backdoor and script injection included), or when production environments of companies she worked for were targeted
Introduction to Kubernetes
Kubernetes is not an easy technology to apprehend. It implies knowledge regarding containerization, orchestration, deployment, and can even lead to microservices or serverless based architectures.
Today though, this technology is a mandatory right of passage, and is an important part of the cloud computing ecosystem. Beyond the hype of Kubernetes and its supposed complexity lies a real answer to today and tomorrow’s IT concerns. Its promise is to make multiple environment management and production deployment easier, faster, and to raise the awareness of developers and devops on the best practices of cloud computing.
When digging into Kubernetes’ magic, we usually get drawn into yaml files, but if the discovery might look scary, the learning curve on k8s is worth going further and using it on a regular basis.
This conference aims to demystify Kubernetes and its difficulty, by unraveling the possibilities it offers in terms of flexibility, security, scalability, and infrastructure management.
Scheduled on Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:20 in Room 3
Best practices to build a Multi-Cloud kubernetes environment
Hands-on Lab
As cloud computing became the norm, cloud providers are battling to stay in the race, with new products, new offers, better prices, more resources, and so on. And the more there is, the more complicated it can become for users to choose which provider to trust with their infrastructure.
As a result, more than eighty percent of the cloud consumers use more than one cloud provider, thus having a Multi-Cloud strategy. While it can seem complicated to manage, it is a smart choice as it allows users to choose the product best fitting their needs, independently of its source.
Multi-Cloud infrastructures are an increasing need, leading to a brand new scope of Multi-Cloud based products, with the goal of facilitating the usage of mixed production environments.
Such infrastructure design requires a strong logical and rigorous mindset to implement, but ends up having nothing but benefits for Cloud users.
In this session, we will get our hands dirty and deep dive into a Multi-Cloud infrastructure, see the best practices we need to keep in mind and apply them into a Multi-Cloud Kubernetes environment, using three different Cloud Providers.
Requirements to attend the Hands-on:
- Bring your laptop
- Make you have sufficient internet connexion before the hands-on session
- You need a terminal and will access servers via ssh command
- Install “kubectl” before the Hands-on (prefered)
- Install “Scaleway CLI” before the Hands-on (prefered)Each participant to the Hands-on lab will be provided with a Multi-Cloud Kubernetes cluster of three nodes.
Environment setup will be done at the beginning of the session.A basic knowledge of Kubernetes and basic shell commands is required to attend.
The hands-on has been created to have a progressive difficulty.If you are interested in attending the Hands-On session, we would appreciate if you could fill this survey before August 25th: https://forms.gle/Zd3sYZeuBr8KEwnW9
Thank you and see you then!
Scheduled on Wednesday from 14:40 to 17:40 in Lab 1