Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
Niall is a Developer Advocate for Camunda's Open Source platform. This means he spends his time helping developers learn how to use Camunda to orchestrate their backend and frondend services through workflow automation. He does this by speaking at conferences and user groups, building examples and reviewing architectures.
Decoupling your Springboot microservices using workflow automation.
When you first get started with using Springboot microservices in a distributed architecture, things are remarkably easy. But it won’t take long for a production system to start showing some signs of strain. Responses get slower, availability decreases and you’ll suddenly start realize that services aren’t always as decoupled as you thought! This is often because of too much peer-to-peer communication, missing possibilities to store state which leads to a resistance to use asynchronous or reactive concepts. I will demonstrate how a workflow engine or state machine can easily improve your architecture and decrease coupling. I will have three Springboot microservices ready, refactor them live on stage and add Camunda’s Open Source workflow engine. You will not only gain a better understanding on the architecture, but also can follow along on the code level.
Scheduled on Wednesday from 14:40 to 15:30 in Room 1