Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
Be Agile, Be DevOps, be well.
Times of pandemic are challenging for those of us who want to thrive and not only survive at work. How to foster collaboration in the team, build trust and a creative working environment if everything is remote? How to become fulfilled at work? In my talk I would like to share with you how agile and devops can help us answer the questions above. We will also discuss the future of an agile movement especially in the context of the post-pandemic world. I will give you practical examples based on my experience not only as a manager, but also from the times I was developing software.
Scheduled on Wednesday from 12:40 to 12:55 in Room 2
General Manager - Grand Parade Poland. Tomek is Agile enthusiast and Coach, Engineer at heart. Former Engineering Manager, Scrum Master and Software Developer. Tomek conducted his first Agile Transformation in 2009. He worked for various international IT companies and lived in Vienna, Toronto and Isle of Man. Passionate about how people relations influence Software Development. He uses his empathy, connectedness and restorative talents (based on Gallup's taxonomy) to help development teams boost their productivity and individual well-being. He is known for giving others a sense of comfort and stability in the face of uncertainty. His ability to link together the facts and dots, gives him a feeling that he would have been a good doctor or detective - he is happy that he decided to study Computer Science though. Tomek loves skiing, biking and sailing. Recently he has started his journey as lecturer at AGH University of Science and Technology leading courses he designed for future engineers.
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Venue address
ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877