Krakow, Poland, 25 - 27 August 2021
Akka Cluster and Akka Typed Deep Dive and a Bit of Eye Candy
You may have heard about the actor model. You may have played with the actor model, but for whatever reason, the opportunity was not there to move forward with it. Well, here is your chance to take a look at the actor model with a set of four Java projects that run Akka clusters. In this talk, we will install, run, and examine in detail a set of example projects. We will explore the code and translate it into what is happening in running clusters.
The projects progressively grow from a basic simple cluster with a few simple actors to actors that message each other across the network, to cluster singleton actors, and finally to cluster sharding. We will also take a look at one of the newest Akka features, Akka Typed.
As a bonus, each project includes a bit of UI eye candy in the form of a web dashboard that will help you gain some institution about the mechanics of Akka and what is happening inside running clusters.
A key takeaway of this talk is that you can download, build, run, and play with each of the projects covered in the talk on your own. Each project also includes a web dashboard that visualizes cluster changes as they happen.
Scheduled on Wednesday from 13:30 to 14:20 in Room 3
Hugh McKee is a developer advocate at Lightbend. He has had a long career building applications that evolved slowly, that inefficiently utilized their infrastructure, and were brittle and prone to failure. Hugh has learned from his past mistakes, battle scars, and a few wins. And the learning never stops. Now his focus is on helping other developers and architects build resilient, scalable, reactive, distributed systems. Hugh frequently speaks at conferences around the world. He is the author of Designing Reactive Systems: The Role Of Actors In Distributed Architecture.
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Venue address
ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877